Bad Machining
Jul 24, 2017
Bad Barrel Work
The barrel on the left is Greg's work. The barrel on the right is what someone did to a new barrel and charge for it as an precision...

Damaged Bolt Face
Jul 24, 2017
Ruger 223
This is a Ruger 223 bolt face with erosion from leaking primers. Along with the larger diameter bushing to clean up the damage the F/P...

Rebuild damaged bolt face.
Jul 24, 2017
Rebuild Bolt Face
A Winchester bolt sent in after having been bushed by someone else. The bushing was made of a soft material. Also a huge hole was bored...

Repair severely damaged bolt face.
Jul 24, 2017
Repair Bolt Face
This Rem 722 bolt came in with no explanation as to what happened. I didn't ask. It looks like someone tried to remove a case swelled...

Install mini M16 extractor.
Jul 24, 2017
Mini M16 Extractor, 70 Winchester
This is a Model 70 Winchester Push feed with a Standard bolt face. You can see I installed a Mini M-16 extractor and Bushed the firing...