Read complete description before sending in your bolt.
Please do not click on add to cart.
There is no need to call us, just send in your bolt, disregard "Contact us to Purchase" unless you have questions about our service. Do not forget your contact information (name, phone number, address, and the service you want done) even if you have called us. You do not purchase this through our website it is a service , you pay us at the time of the service with a check, money order, or credit card. Please do not click on add to cart.
Corrects your cratering and piercing problems.
How to send your bolt in:
You can send your bolt a long with the firing pin assembly, snail mail, priority mail, UPS, but DO NOT USE FED-EX (We have problems with them delivering to our shop). Please include your name, phone number, and return shipping address, and a note as to what you want done. We can overnight them at your expense. Check, money order, or credit card is fine with us.
$135.00 Bush firing pin hole & turn pin per bolt.If you bolt has fire cut damage to the bolt face, additional charges will apply to clean up this damage. This is because the small busing diamater is smaller than the primer.
We no longer re-bush bolts that have been bushed by someone else. My procedure is not compatible.
Below are shipping costs when shipping one or two bolts without & with insurance.
Send to: Gre'-Tan Rifles, 24005 Hwy. 13, Rifle CO. 81650
We use USPS
Priority mail with out insurance, add $8.00 to the service
Priority mail with $300.00 insurance, add $13.00 to the service
Priority mail with $500.00 insurance, add $15.00 to the service
If purchasing a firing pin from us, we will turn the extra pin at no charge.
If you send in a extra firing pin that is not a GTR pin to be turned as a back up, the cost is $20.00 to have it turned down.
I CAN NOT DO case hardened, AR's, Accuracy International, Barnard,Big Horn, Cooper, Enfield, Desert Tactical Arms, Mark V Weatherby, Rosenthal, RPA, Rim fires, Falling block, Break open, Lever, Pump rifles, 1903-A3, CZ, Mauser.
WE CAN DO Remington, Winchester, Savage one piece & multi piece pin, Bergara, Sako, Kimber, Nesika, Stiller, Bat, Kelbly, Lawton, Surgeon, Borden, Wichita, Hall, Ruger, Howa, Vanguard Weatherby, Dakota, Pacific Tool, Phoenix, & Defiant bolt action rifle or pistol.
Bergara has just been added to one that we can do. But it will need one of our pins because we can not turn their's down. To bush the bolt, labor to change out the cocking piece and a new firing pin is included $155.00 + $13.00 for shipping = $168.00 total.
GTR Bergara pins (0.060 tip) for GTR bushed bolts ony, are aviailable for back up or replacement. $45.00
If you do not see your bolt listed, please call before sending it in to us.
Send to: Gre'-Tan Rifles, 24005 Hwy. 13, Rifle CO. 81650
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Shipping on services does not apply
Please Note - for the security of our customers we now only accept online orders where the billing and shipping address match. If you need your order shipped to an alternate address you MUST call us at 970-878-5421
We are NOT accepting any new Firearm or repair work at this time.
We apologize, your business is very important and appreciated. But our shop is overwhelmed. We will repost when we are taking work again.
Thank you for considering us! We are sorry for the inconvenience. You can still order our products online, through this website.
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