How to send your bolt in: You can send your bolt snail mail, priority mail, UPS, but DO NOT USE FED-EX (We have problems with them delivering to our shop). What ever you prefer. Please include your name, phone number, and return shipping address, and a note as to what you want done. Because of the high volume of bushing bolts, it can take 1 to 3 weeks. Other work on bolts, may take 1 to 3 weeks also, it just depends on what is being done.
We can overnight them at your expense. Check, money order, or credit card is fine with us. Look below for shipping costs when shipping 1 to 3 bolts. Send to: Gre'-Tan Rifles, 24005 Hwy. 13, Rifle CO. 81650 We use USPS for 1 to 3 Bolts If you want no insurance, add 8.00 to the services you want done. If you want 300.00 insurance, add 13.00 to the services you want done. If you want 500.00 insurance add 15.00 to the services you want done.